Caring less, Meaning more

Nothing beats a little laugh and a little play.

Since arriving home from the States, I've found myself with more time on my hands than ever before. The lack of exam stress, constant excitement of meeting new people and busy schedule has left my brain a big bubble, an empty space for all sorts of foggy thoughts to sweep in. In simple terms: not being busy leaves a lot of time for thinking. A lot.

Recently I've noticed that some thoughts seem to feel much bigger in my head than they are in real life. This is especially true of the "big" decisions that I'm faced with at the moment. Before long, it can all become a hopeless jumble and trying to make a call on something seems to be so difficult that paralysis ensues.

So how am I dealing with this dilemma? First things first, I've decided to stop and weigh things up in the balance when I find myself feeling overwhelmed. Like with some of these uni applications: let go of the idea that the stakes are impossibly high and the pressure's on. Still put in a good effort, but realise that more opportunities will come by if this one doesn't work out.

Care a little less and it'll mean a lot more. I figure that if I can take the sting out of a stressful situation then if it does go well, a positive outcome will mean more and feel better. And if it doesn't work out, then the process to get there will have been a rewarding one that I can learn from rather than feel bad about.

Perhaps that sounds a little counter-intuitive but it makes sense in my head. My main goal for this month is to get in touch with that inner child that is carefree and willing to try things without any self-expectations. Hopefully the next time something worries me more than it should, I'll be able to laugh at myself. When it comes to decision-making, it's time to just play around.


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